
TorqueUI is a responsive web design centric UI Framework with components made for the modern web.
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Add a simple and easy tab list to you website with TorqueUI tabs.


The plugin is build around 2 data attributes:

  • data-toggle="content" the initiator.
  • data-target the toggle target for tab.

Besides that, the you can use any navigation from the navigation compontent. In our example we will use tabs: class="nav nav-tabs". Together with the navigation you will need a .toggle-content element wrapper for your tabbed content, which you need to place inside a .pane.

The .pane and .toggle-content are there for presentation. Each pane will need a unique tab identifier in form of a class or a id. We recommend ids. Since they are by nature unique. With the .active class on the panes you can tell with pane you want to be the active one.

Usage examples

It is easy to add Javascript functionality to a list of tabs with the Javascript tabs plugin included in the main Javascript file.

To trigger the tabbed content you can use either a data-target attribute or a href with the id. We have shown both examples below.

Simple example

Pane 1



<ul class="nav nav-tabs">
    <li class=""><a data-toggle="content" href="#tabs-pane1">Home</a></li>
    <li class=""><a data-toggle="content" data-target="#tabs-pane2">Profile</a></li>
    <li class="active"><a data-toggle="content" href="#tabs-pane3">Messages</a></li>

<div class="toggle-content">
    <div class="pane" id="tabs-pane1">
        <p>Pane 1</p>
    <div class="pane" id="tabs-pane2">
        <p>Pane 2</p>
    <div class="pane active" id="tabs-pane3">
        <p>Pane 3</p>

Trigger tab from button

It is possible to trigger tabs from all the place in the document. Your button will just need to have the data-toggle="content" data attribute. And besides that, it will need a target, either in form of the data-target attribute or the href of the element (if it is a link).

Show pane 3

Pane 1


Pane 3

<button class="button" data-toggle="content" data-target="#tabs-pane2">Show pane 2</button>
<a class="button" data-toggle="content" data-target="#tabs-pane3">Show pane 3</button>


<ul class="nav nav-tabs">
    <li class=""><a data-toggle="content" href="#tabs-pane1">Home</a></li>
    <li class=""><a data-toggle="content" data-target="#tabs-pane2">Profile</a></li>
    <li class="active"><a data-toggle="content" href="#tabs-pane3">Messages</a></li>

<div class="toggle-content">
    <div class="pane" id="tabs-pane1">
        <p>Pane 1</p>
    <div class="pane" id="tabs-pane2">
    <div class="pane active" id="tabs-pane3">
       <p>Pane 3</p>
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